

关于美國醫學與生物工程院院士Prof. Yuan-Ting Zhang学术报告的通知





Prof. Yuan-Ting Zhang, Ph.D,

IAMBE Fellow(國際醫學與生物工程院院士), AIMBE Fellow (美國醫學與生物工程院院士)and IEEE Fellow

Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering

Past Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine

Past Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics


Key Lab for Health Informatics of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dept. of EE at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

時間:2017年10月13日 14:00-15:00


承辦單位:浙江大学机械工程学院     浙江大学流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室


Prof. Yuan-Ting Zhang is the founding Director of the Key Lab of Health Informatics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (HICAS) and the Chief Scientist of CAS Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology. He was the Director of the Joint Research Center for Biomedical Engineering and the first Head of the Division of Biomedical Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was the Sensing System Architect in Health Technology at Apple. Prof. Zhang was the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE TITB and IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. He served as Vice Preside of IEEE EMBS. Prof. Zhang is currently the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, co- Chair for EMBC'17 in Korea, Chair of 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Advanced Health Informatics, and Chair of IEEE Award Committee in Biomedical Engineering. Prof. Zhang won a number of international awards including the IEEE-SA leadership and contribution award for developing a new standard IEEE 1708 and IEEE-SA 2014 Emerging Technology Award. Prof. Zhang is IAMBE Fellow, IEEE Fellow and AIMBE Fellow.


Health convergence requires not only interdisciplinary research across multiple scales in the biological hierarchy from molecular, cell, organ to system; but also the integration of science, engineering, technology and medicine with the ultimate goal of translation to practical use for human health. This talk will focus on the convergence aspects of wearable/flexible 'MINDS' sensing and multi-modal imaging for the early prevention of acute cardiovascular diseases. Using the atherosclerotic plaque assessment and wearable unobtrusive BP estimation as application examples, this talk will attempt to illustrate that the health convergence approaches should allow the practice of 8-Ps medicine that is precise, pervasive, predictive, preventive, personalized, participatory, preemptive, and patientcentralized.
